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Rolson Launches a NEW Range of Garden Tools – Quality Functionality and Presentation is the key focus – providing the enthusiastic gardener with all the essential cutting, digging pruning and watering accessories in two finishes – Stainless Steel with beautifully finished Branded Ash Handles – the other, bringing together a combination of high-quality materials, abs, TPR material, zinc alloy, aluminium and heat-treated carbon steel to form an Attractively Packaged and Presented solution.

Retailers can make a highly visual Impact by introducing the NEW Rolson Range of Garden Tools and Accessories to their customers – benefiting from a small, but practical use of high-grade plastic coated backing cards, some in polypropylene, ensuring that the heavier items do not snap or break at the Euro Hook entry slot, from customers taking items off and on for closer inspection! 

Smart Display – Smart Products – Smart Move! 

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